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Healthy Outdoor Communities

Healthy Outdoor Communities is a groundbreaking initiative that promotes equitable access to nature and green space as a tool to improve health, well-being, and resilience in historically marginalized communities.

Recognizing a Need

As has been the case with all of NEO's initiatives, Healthy Outdoor Communities was inspired by a need.  We began noticing that when we hosted activities in beautiful neighborhood parks on beautiful Saturday and Sunday afternoons, many times we would be the only people in the park.  In communities we knew suffered a variety of disparities, we saw this as a problem.   Why weren't these parks full of children, families, and seniors enjoying park amenities like playground equipment, picnic tables, trails, and more? 

We began asking some of our own members along with community members why they felt these free public spaces were going largely unutilized.  Answers ranged from simple things like lack of knowledge on how to participate in outdoor recreation to more serious things like safety concerns or feelings that the park was not meant for them to use.  The idea of Healthy Outdoor Communities was born.​

Instead of taking people out of their communities to visit state parks and other distant green spaces, our Healthy Outdoor Communities initiative makes a thoughtful and deliberate effort to encourage the use of neighborhood green spaces.  This is done through outdoor recreation opportunities like bike rides and hikes.  It also includes gardening projects, outdoor community celebrations, outdoor skills lessons, and other activities that encourage the use of outdoor spaces community members can walk, bike, or take public transportation to.

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HOC's Mission

To support good health and wellbeing in children, youth, and families of historically undervalued communities by utilizing free, safe, and easily accessible neighborhood parks and green spaces.

A Perfect Partnership

Shortly after launching Healthy Outdoor Communities, Houston Parks Board (HPB) signed on as NEO's primary partner in the initiative.  NEO and HPB had worked together for years on community events in local parks so working together toward HOC's mission made perfect sense.

Since 1976, Houston Parks Board has been an amazing champion for outdoor equity supporting over 250 parks and creating over 14,000 acres of new greenspace in the Houston area.  Chances are if you are enjoying a beautiful bayou greenspace, hike and bike trail, or park, Houston Parks Board played a hand in creating or improving it.

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Communities of Care

In 2019, the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health generously awarded Healthy Outdoor Communities a 6-year grant under their Communities of Care funding initiative.  The purpose of this funding has been to promote outdoor, nature, and park equity for children, youth, and families of color in the Acres Homes and Third Ward communities of Houston.

HOC's Vision

We see a future where local parks and green spaces serve as community hubs and provide equitable opportunities to improve and maintain good mental and physical health.  When everyone has more equitable access to health and nature, families are closer, children are happier, and life is better.

Healthy Parks - Healthy People - Healthy Communities


Collaborative Work

With assistance from the Prevention Institute and through the use of their THRIVE framework, Healthy Outdoor Communities has become a strong collaborative of community members, non-profit organizations, schools, faith centers, parks, government agencies, health systems, and others all working together toward our common mission and goals

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Together we are strong

By working together, HOC partners are able to collaborate and combine resources to offer unique educational opportunities and outdoor activities that encourage healthier, more active lifestyles and have a lasting positive impact on the well-being and resilience of community members.

Since the beginning of our collaborative work in Acres Homes and Third Ward, Healthy Outdoor Communities has provided funding and support to over a dozen schools and two dozen organizations in furtherance of their work to improve community access to the outdoors.

Share Your Voice

We believe the community members who live, learn, work, pray, and play in a neighborhood should have a voice in the decisions that impact their lives.  The work of Healthy Outdoor Communities in Acres Homes and Third Ward is led by the community members our collaborative serves.  They are built into HOC's leadership and decision-making structure.

We encourage all members and stakeholders of Acres Homes and Third Ward to participate in our monthly Zoom meetings held on the second Monday of each month from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. 

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Learn more about HOC in our

Report to Community

final draft available soon

Community-Based Project Funding Awardees to Date

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An updated listing of
Healthy Outdoor Communities
partners is coming soon!

Interested in becoming an HOC partner?
Contact us at

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